is connecting players, coaches and clubs using the best technologies possible, every single day!
Audience: Tournament/League - Directors & Referees
Agenda: Why should you use this system?
Supported Tournament Formats | Supported League Formats |
Next few slides will have screenshots from the app which demonstrate all the steps required to run tournament or league.
Use the above menu at the top to create tournament/league of your choice.
This is how create tournament/league page looks like.
You can edit events & leagues dates as shown above.
This is how your tournament/league details page will look like.
Tournament Menu | League Menu |
Here you can select rating cutoff date for your tournament.
Not applicable for leagues.
Available on following public pages.
Details & Checkins
Player List
RR Draws
Knockout Rounds
Tournament Summary
Here you will take all actions to run tournament/league.
Simple screen to add players.
If file is loaded for your tournament, easily find player details in autocomplete.
Add events for a player from autocomplete. Reduces typo errors.
Bring consistency to finding homeclub of a player.
Retrieve address, city, state, country and zip/pin code instantly.
Select membership option for new & renewing members.
Sample scoring screen for a match.
Sample RR group in edit mode. Please note that on this screen you can override draws generated by default.
Scoring screen where you can scores for all the matches in RR Group.
Publicly available scores for a RR Group.
This screen is used to edit SE Draws.
Publicly available scores for a SE Round of 32 players.
Publicly available scores for a SE Round of 16 players.
Publicly available scores for a SE Round of 8 players.
TD can see full report at any time of tournament.
TD can see summary of players at any point of time.
Tournament results are crisply display for each event.
Win-loss statistics for each player is very interesting dataset.
Public Links | Director Links |
Public Links | Director Links |
Public Links | Director Links |
TD can enable/disable online entry feature anytime at their discretion.
TD will be presented an option to import/ignore/delete online entry.
Online entries will show "online entry icon" (visually distinguishing) next to player name.
Players will find "online entry" button on details page and "Upcoming Tournaments" list.
Online entry feature will allow both existing and new members to send online entries.
Player can modify his entry till the time it's imported by TD.
Player provides LastName, FirstName, Rating, Gender, DOB, Address, MembershipInfo, PaymentMethod before submitting online entry.
TD can add following validations ParticipationLimit, RatingLimit, DobOnOrBeforeLimit, DobOnOrAfterLimit, GenderLimit, CityLimit, StateLimit or CountryLimit.
These limits will show a warning to TD when breached while adding players.
These limits will restrict who can send online entry.
These limits will show a validation message against each payer when breached.
TD can bulk upload player list or bulk delete players using this feature.
Upload file comma separated with LastName, FirstName & Rating.
All the players added via bulk upload are treated as new members.
TD can add membership information after the upload.
TD has to provide number of groups he wants to create.
TD can refresh draws anytime by providing number of groups.
RR Draws are created using snake case methodology.
TD can move player to another group.
TD can swap a player from player in another group.
TD can override GroupSeep, GroupStanding and SetTableNumbers.
TD can print GroupSheet & MatchCards for each group.
TD can view/record scores either for whole group or per match.
TD gets warning when any changes are being made like players from same club in a group or two players playing multiple matches on same day.
TD can have ANY number of SEDraws which can have players being advanced from RR groups based on GroupStanding.
SE Draws are created based on 1 or 2 players are being advanced.
TD can directly seed certain players into SE draw skipping RR draw for them.
TD can swap a player from player in same round (QF, SF, F etc).
TD can swap match position.
TD can SetTableNumbers and SetMatchTime.
TD can print MatchCards for each round (QF, SF, F etc).
TD can view/record scores for the matches.
Hovering over a player highlights all his/her matches in SEDraws.